It seems like every few weeks there is another news worthy story that strikes fear into our hearts. If all the "small" fears of not being pretty enough, good enough, nice enough, smart enough, or fast enough aren't enough, just wait a few days and there will be something big and deadly to fear. Today it happens to be a bombing suspect, tomorrow it might be the weather or a leader's policies.
One of my biggest fears as a mom is "How do I raise my children to be safe and careful, but still bold for Christ?" I want them to be healthy and wise, but also courageous and strong. How do I do that in today's world?
As I was studying this week I came across Isaiah 33:6 which is in the middle of a passage about Israel being plundered and scattered. It says:
"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge..."
He promises to be THE sure foundation for our times AND a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge - wow! That is an amazing promise! I don't know about you, but I am in constant need of wisdom and knowledge for decisions. I need a firm foundation in a world that is racing from headline to headline for the next big jaw dropper without pausing in between. I want to know that I can place my trust and my heart, mind, and soul on something that is not here today and gone tomorrow. I want that for my family too. So what do we do to own this? How do we live out this promise every day when the circumstances around us often don't seem to testify to this truth?
If we read on we will see the key that unlocks this treasure:
"He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is key to this treasure."
Fear is the key to the treasure of salvation and wisdom and knowledge. Not fear of pain, weapons, or evil men, but fear of the LORD. What does that kind of fear look like? I imagine it is not the same as fearing those other things at all.
When my mind is anxious and full of fear over a situation, I am cranky at best and down-right explosive after it has had time to fester and weigh on my heart and mind. I've caught myself treating family and friends (usually my kiddos and hubby) in ways I never would have, but the fear has weighed so heavily on me that I don't have the mental capacity to stop and take a breath. No energy left for letting God's love flow through me or for patience and kindness.
No wonder the world doesn't think very highly of God's children sometimes! We are mentally drained from fearing the world around us instead of fearing our Father's displeasure or fearing the consequences of our own disobedience instead of that of others. God never intended us to live under that kind of fear!
So now I'm wondering - what does it look like to fear the Lord instead? In Joshua chapter one God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous, but it is coupled with the command to be very careful to obey His commandments. If I am walking in fear of the Lord and not the world, I am fearing my own disobedience to God, not fearing what others around me are doing. When I have that kind of fear I am focused on what is true and what is eternal, not what is right in front of me and temporary. I will see God as my sure foundation no matter what is going on and he will pour out His treasure of salvation and wisdom and knowledge on me - wow! Who knew fear could be a good thing?
Lord, help me to fear you and fear disobeying your word over everything else that may try to take my attention. And help me to teach my children to do the same. I want to partake in the rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge you have promised me - I want to fear you instead!